About us

Osseosource.com is an independent site dedicated to providing dentists, and other dental professionals with free and current information related to dental implants and its identification. The site collects and archives the vast and growing information pertaining to dental implant products. The aim of the site is to enable dental professionals to identify, locate and compare dental implants. It is continuously updated.

Meir Yakir, DMD, Prosthodontist
Dr. Yakir is a graduate of the Hebrew University Dental School in Israel, and completed his prosthodontic residency at Boston University. Dr. Yakir worked as a Clinical Instructor at the Department of Implantology and Prosthodotics at Boston University and currently maintain a private dental office.
Dr. Yakir's interest in implant dentistry has led him to develop the OsseoSource Implant Identification System together with Aliza Yakir. Dr. Yakir also holds a patent for a unique implant design.

Aliza Yakir, MS, Information Science and Systems
Mrs. Yakir graduated from the School of Information Science at Simmons College. She has years of experience in Information Architecture and Technology.
Mrs. Yakir's main interests lay in the area of information systems design and development.